Monday, August 26, 2013

Creative Creation Story

Starting off with a homerun!  Asher loved creation the story done on the projector.  I printed off 2 creation story mini booklets from  I cut the small pictures out of 1 to fit in my projector and affixed them to blank white papers.  Each was stacked so you could begin from the beginning and remove the top sheet without moving the projector to flow through the story.  I added numbers 1-7 between each day.  He liked guessing which day was next before I pulled the page.  I began with the lights on reading Genesis 1:1 (also our memory verse for the week).  In verse 2, it says the earth was formless and empty and DARKNESS (cue for lights out and read with flash light) was over the surface of the deep.  And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.  3 God said let there be light. (turn on the projector to a blank white page.

When you get to the separating of light and dark, remove the blank page to reveal the picture with light and dark divided then removing that picture to reveal the #1 when the bible says that was the first day.  Continue that same way all the way through day 7, the blessed day of rest.  If you want hands free to run your projector and to have less light in the room, you could use an audio bible reading.  

Afterwards, he got to make his own creation story booklet by tracing the days and putting them in order.  Simple sight words to help him read his book.

This was a great way to keep him engaged in the story.  I was able to read a good size chapter and still keep his attention.  I want him to hear from the Bible and not just pictures.  The creation story is so interesting but so many of the children's tellings are so simplified, they are missing some of that really cool stuff.  I use the NIV Adventure Bible and love the reading level for my kindergartner to take in.

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